
Control a pytest session interactively from IPython for exploratory testing.

For more details, see the documentation.


The extension is available on PyPI and depends on IPython and pytest:

pip install pytest-exploratory


To load the extension, add pytest_exploratory.ipython to the IPython extension list, e.g. in .ipython/profile_default/

c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = ['pytest_exploratory.ipython']

Or load it from IPython itself:

In [1]: %load_ext pytest_exploratory.ipython

It adds some magics to use pytest from the REPL (see also pytest_exploratory.ipython.PytestMagics):

In [1]: # Put yourself in a specific pytest context
   ...: # (optional, it defaults to a "session" context)
In [2]: %pytest_context tests/my_test/
In [3]: # Request fixture(s)
In [4]: %pytest_fixture my_fixture other_fixture
In [5]: my_fixture
Out[5]: 'value'
In [6]: # Run the tests in the current context
In [7]: %pytest_runtests
In [8]: # Explicitly end and teardown the test session
   ...: # (automatically done on exit)
In [9]: %pytest_session_stop

You can directly get the setup of a test:

In [1]: %pytest_context tests/my_test/
    SETUP    M test_case_fixture (fixtures used: dependency)
In [2]: my_fixture
Out[2]: 'value'
In [3]: %pytest_runtests

It checks your test file for changes and reloads the code if it’s edited between test runs:

In [1]: %pytest_context tests/
In [2]: %pytest_runtests
In [3]: # Test before edit
In [4]: !nano tests/
In [5]: %pytest_runtests
# Test after edit

Arguments can be passed to pytest with the %pytest_session magic:

In [1]: %pytest_session -v

Some extra magics help navigating the test code/documentation:

In [1]: # Show the test code
In [2]: %pytest_contextinfo
In [3]: # Show the module/class code
In [4]: %pytest_contextinfo 1
In [5]: # Fixture documentation
In [6]: %pytest_fixtureinfo my_fixture
In [7]: # Fixture code
In [8]: %pytest_fixtureinfodetail my_fixture


This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE.


IPython extension to control a pytest session.



Run a pytest session interactively.


Integration with IPython/Jupyter.