Source code for pytest_exploratory.ipython

"""Integration with IPython/Jupyter."""

import atexit
import shlex
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from IPython.core.magic import Magics, magics_class, line_magic
from IPython.core.error import UsageError
from typing import Optional, Callable, Any
import warnings
from pytest_exploratory.interactive import InteractiveSession

sphinxify: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]]
    import docrepr.sphinxify as sphx

    def sphinxify(doc):
        with TemporaryDirectory() as dirname:
            return {
                'text/html': sphx.sphinxify(doc, dirname),
                'text/plain': doc
except ImportError:
    sphinxify = None

config = None
# HACK for pytest
magics = None

[docs]@magics_class class PytestMagics(Magics): """IPython magics to control a pytest test session.""" # TODO have smart autocompletion def __init__(self, shell): global magics super().__init__(shell) = shell self._session = InteractiveSession() self._in_pytest = False if config is not None: self._session.config = config self._in_pytest = True magics = self
[docs] @line_magic def pytest_session(self, data): """Start a pytest session. This sets the ``pytest_session`` variable to an :class:`.interactive.InteractiveSession` instance. """ if data == "": args = None else: args = shlex.split(data) self._session.start(args) self._session.session_start(){"pytest_session": self._session})
[docs] @line_magic def pytest_context(self, context): """Get into the given pytest context. If the context is a full test name, the fixtures are setup and put into corresponding variables. """ context = context.strip() variables = self._session.context(context)
[docs] @line_magic def pytest_contextinfo(self, level): """Show information about the current test context (currently just code). Pass a number to show information about a parent context. """ if level == "": level = 0 else: level = int(level) docformat = sphinxify if else None context_item = self._session.context_item for _ in range(level): context_item = context_item.parent, detail_level=2, formatter=docformat)
[docs] @line_magic def pytest_fixture(self, fixturenames): """Load the given fixture(s) and add them to the variables. For parametrized fixtures, you can give the parameter id between brackets, e.g. ``fixture_name[param_id]``. """ for fixturename in fixturenames.split(): name, value = self._session.fixture_with_name(fixturename){name: value})
[docs] @line_magic def pytest_fixtureinfo(self, fixturename): """Show information about the fixture. E.g.: ``%pytest_fixtureinfo tmpdir`` """ fixturename = fixturename.strip() try: definition = self._session.fixture_definition(fixturename) except KeyError: print(f"No fixture named {fixturename}") return docformat = sphinxify if else None, formatter=docformat)
[docs] @line_magic def pytest_fixtureinfodetail(self, fixturename): """Show detailed information about the fixture. E.g.: ``%pytest_fixtureinfodetail tmpdir`` """ fixturename = fixturename.strip() try: definition = self._session.fixture_definition(fixturename) except KeyError: print(f"No fixture named {fixturename}") return docformat = sphinxify if else None, detail_level=2, formatter=docformat)
[docs] def pytest_fixture_completer(self, ipython, event): return self._session.fixturenames
[docs] @line_magic def pytest_runtests(self, dummy=""): """Run the tests in the current context.""" assert dummy == "" self._session.runtests()
def _try_pytest_session_stop(self): if self._session.session is None: return self._session.session_stop() if not self._in_pytest: self._session.stop()
[docs] def shutdown_hook(self): self._try_pytest_session_stop()
[docs] @line_magic def pytest_session_stop(self, data=""): """Stop the pytest session. This ensures that all fixtures are torn down. """ if self._session.session is None: raise UsageError("Pytest session not started") self._try_pytest_session_stop()
def _shell_initialized(ipython): # TODO remove this when it's fixed in IPython warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'^jedi\.cache')
[docs]def load_ipython_extension(ipython): console = PytestMagics(ipython) ipython.register_magics(console) atexit.register(console.shutdown_hook) ipython.set_hook('complete_command', console.pytest_fixture_completer, re_key='%pytest_fixture') # TODO autocomplete for pytest_context'shell_initialized', _shell_initialized)
[docs]def unload_ipython_extension(ipython): pass