Source code for pytest_exploratory.interactive

"""Run a pytest session interactively."""

import sys
import inspect
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
from importlib import reload
import warnings
import pytest
from _pytest.config import _prepareconfig
from _pytest.main import Session
from _pytest.python import CallSpec2, Metafunc, FunctionDefinition
from _pytest.mark import ParameterSet

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def request_teardown(request, fixturename): """Teardown a given fixture name.""" # HACK fixturedef = request._get_active_fixturedef(fixturename) fixturedef.finish(request) try: del request._fixture_defs[fixturename] except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass try: del request._arg2fixturedefs[fixturename] except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass try: del request._arg2index[fixturename] except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass try: del request._fixture_values[fixturename] except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass
def _is_child(item, nodeid): while item is not None: if item.nodeid == nodeid: return True item = item.parent return False class _FilterCollection: def __init__(self, root, path=""): self.root = root self.path = path def pytest_ignore_collect(self, path, config): # Not really correct path = str(path)[len(self.root) + 1:] if path.startswith(self.path): return if self.path.startswith(path): return return True def _reload_items(items): for item in items: try: obj = item._getobj() except (AttributeError, TypeError): continue if not inspect.ismethod(obj): continue if not hasattr(obj, "__self__"): continue obj_self = obj.__self__ try: mod = sys.modules[obj_self.__class__.__module__] except KeyError: continue if not hasattr(mod, obj_self.__class__.__name__): continue cls = getattr(mod, obj_self.__class__.__name__) setattr(obj_self.__class__, obj.__name__, getattr(cls, obj.__name__))
[docs]class InteractiveSession: """Wrapper around pytest to collect and run tests interactively. Not working very well yet, pytest does not like to run or collect tests multiple times. It needs to be better integrated with pytest's core. """ # TODO this is a state machine, would be good to have proper transition checks def __init__(self): self.config = None self.session = None self.context_node = None self.context_item = None self._request = None self._mtime = None self._fixturenames = None def _teardown_if_needed(self, item, nextitem): try: self.session._setupstate.teardown_exact(item, nextitem) except AssertionError: pass
[docs] def start(self, args=None): """Initialize the pytest config from the given arguments.""" if self.config is None: if args is None: args = ['-s'] if '-s' not in args: args = ['-s'] + list(args) if '--disable-pytest-warnings' not in args: args = ['--disable-pytest-warnings'] + list(args) self.config = _prepareconfig(args, None) self._config_override() self._filter = _FilterCollection(str(self.config.rootdir)) self.config.pluginmanager.register(self._filter, "interactive_filter")
def _config_override(self): # Overriding some options which don't make sense in interactive use self.config.option.continue_on_collection_errors = True # Might be useful # config.pluginmanager._duplicatepaths.clear() try: self.config.option.keepduplicates = True except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def session_start(self): """Start a pytest session.""" if self.config is None: self.start() self.config._do_configure() if hasattr(Session, "from_config"): self.session = Session.from_config(self.config) else: # TODO remove with pytest >= 5.4 self.session = Session(self.config) self.config.hook.pytest_sessionstart(session=self.session) # TODO remove this when it's fixed in IPython warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'^jedi\.cache')
[docs] def collect(self, path): """Collect tests under the given path.""" if self.session is None: self.session_start() nodeid = path if "::" in nodeid: path = nodeid.split("::", 1)[0] self._filter.path = path # Pytest discovers tests outside of the root through arguments try: (Path(self.config.rootdir) / Path(path)).relative_to(Path(self.config.rootdir)) is_in_root = True except ValueError: is_in_root = False if not is_in_root: self.config.args.append(path) try: self.config.hook.pytest_collection(session=self.session) finally: if not is_in_root: self.config.args.pop() # TODO filter this in plugin? items = list(self.session.items) if nodeid != path: items = [item for item in items if _is_child(item, nodeid)] return items
def _dummy_item(self, item, context_param=""): # TODO support class methods def dummy(request): pass fixtureinfo = self.session._fixturemanager.getfixtureinfo(item, dummy, cls=None) if hasattr(pytest.Function, "from_parent"): func = pytest.Function.from_parent( item, name="dummy", callobj=dummy, fixtureinfo=fixtureinfo, ) else: # TODO remove with pytest >= 5.4 func = pytest.Function( name="dummy", parent=item, callobj=dummy, fixtureinfo=fixtureinfo, ) if hasattr(FunctionDefinition, "from_parent"): definition = FunctionDefinition.from_parent( item, name="dummy", callobj=dummy, ) else: # TODO remove with pytest >= 5.4 definition = FunctionDefinition( name="dummy", parent=item, callobj=dummy, ) metafunc = Metafunc( definition, fixtureinfo, self.config, cls=None, module=item.getparent(pytest.Module).obj, ) func.callspec = CallSpec2(metafunc) self.config.hook.pytest_generate_tests(metafunc=metafunc) if context_param != "": for callspec in metafunc._calls: if == context_param: if hasattr(pytest.Function, "from_parent"): return pytest.Function.from_parent( item, name=f"{}[{context_param}]", callspec=callspec, callobj=dummy, fixtureinfo=fixtureinfo, keywords={ True},, ) else: # TODO remove with pytest >= 5.4 return pytest.Function( name=f"{}[{context_param}]", parent=item, callspec=callspec, callobj=dummy, fixtureinfo=fixtureinfo, keywords={ True},, ) suggestions = [ for callspec in metafunc._calls] raise ValueError( f"Could not find context parametrization {context_param}, possible values: {suggestions}" ) return func def _dummy_context(self): # HACK it would make more sense to create a dummy node with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: path = Path(tmp) / '' path.write_text(""" def test_exists(): pass """) return self.context(str(path))
[docs] def context(self, context=""): """Put ourselves in the given context (for fixture and conftest discovery).""" self._fixturenames = None if self.session is None: self.session_start() if context == "": return self._dummy_context() item = None # TODO parse the context to better handle parametrization # TODO find the right item as a tree traversal from the root instead for item in getattr(self.session, 'items', []): if item.nodeid.startswith(context): break if item is None or not item.nodeid.startswith(context): if '::' in context: fspath, _ = context.split('::', 1) else: if '[' in context: fspath, _ = context.split('[', 1) else: fspath = context self.collect(fspath) for item in getattr(self.session, 'items', []): if item.nodeid.startswith(context): break if item is None: raise Exception( f"Unknown context {context}, " f"make sure it exists, starts with test_, and it contains a test." ) self.context_node = item if not context.endswith(item.nodeid): if '[' in context: param_index = context.find('[') context_param = context[param_index + 1:-1] context = context[:param_index] else: context_param = "" while not context.endswith(item.nodeid): item = item.parent if isinstance(item, Session): raise Exception( f"Unknown context {context}" ) self.context_node = item item = self._dummy_item(item, context_param) if self.context_item is not None: self._teardown_if_needed(self.context_item, item) self.context_item = item if hasattr(item, "_request") and isinstance(item._request, bool): item._initrequest() self.config.hook.pytest_runtest_setup(item=item, when="setup") self._request = self.context_item._request fixtures = {} for fixturename in self._request.fixturenames: try: fixtures[fixturename] = self.fixture(fixturename) except Exception: LOGGER.exception("Could not get fixture %s", fixturename) return fixtures
def _reload(self): reloaded = False # TODO is it possible to reload the fixtures/fixture code? if self.context_item is None: return reloaded module = self.context_item while not isinstance(module, pytest.Module): if module is None: return reloaded module = module.parent path = Path(module.nodeid) mtime = path.stat().st_mtime if self._mtime is not None and mtime > self._mtime: reload(module.obj) reloaded = True self._mtime = mtime return reloaded
[docs] def runtests(self): """Run the tests under the current context.""" reloaded = self._reload() if self.context_item is self.context_node: items = [self.context_item] lastitem = self._dummy_item(self.context_item.parent) else: items = self.collect(self.context_node.nodeid) lastitem = self.context_item if reloaded: _reload_items(items) self._teardown_if_needed(lastitem, items[0]) for i, item in enumerate(items): nextitem = items[i + 1] if i + 1 < len(items) else lastitem self.config.hook.pytest_runtest_protocol(item=item, nextitem=nextitem) self.config.hook.pytest_terminal_summary( terminalreporter=self.config.pluginmanager.get_plugin('terminalreporter'), exitstatus=0, config=self.config, ) # Clear the reports so they do not constantly show up self.config.pluginmanager.get_plugin('terminalreporter').stats.clear()
[docs] def fixture(self, fixturename): """Return the value of the given fixture.""" _, value = self.fixture_with_name(fixturename) return value
[docs] def fixture_with_name(self, fixturename): """Return the name and value of the given fixture.""" if "[" in fixturename: fixturename, param = fixturename[:-1].split("[") self.fixture_param(fixturename, param) return fixturename, self.request.getfixturevalue(fixturename)
[docs] def fixture_definition(self, fixturename): if self.session is None: raise KeyError("Pytest session not started") return self.session._fixturemanager._arg2fixturedefs[fixturename][-1]
def _fixture_ids(self, fixturename): fixturedef = self.fixture_definition(fixturename) metafunc = self.context_item._pyfuncitem.callspec.metafunc # TODO figure out how to avoid using internal things try: argnames, parameters = ParameterSet._for_parametrize( fixturedef.argname, fixturedef.params, metafunc.function, self.config, function_definition=metafunc.definition, ) except TypeError: argnames, parameters = ParameterSet._for_parametrize( fixturedef.argname, fixturedef.params, metafunc.function, self.config, nodeid=self.context_item.nodeid, ) try: ids = metafunc._resolve_arg_ids( argnames, fixturedef.ids, parameters, item=self.context_item, ) except TypeError: ids = metafunc._resolve_arg_ids( argnames, fixturedef.ids, parameters, nodeid=self.context_item.nodeid, ) return ids
[docs] def fixture_param(self, fixturename, param): """Choose parameter for this parametrized fixture.""" fixturedef = self.fixture_definition(fixturename) ids = self._fixture_ids(fixturename) value = fixturedef.params[ids.index(param)] callspec = self.context_item._pyfuncitem.callspec if fixturename in callspec.params and hasattr(fixturedef, "cached_result"): # Fixture already setup, first cleanup fixture request_teardown(self.request, fixturename) callspec.params[fixturename] = value if hasattr(callspec, "indices"): callspec.indices[fixturename] = ids.index(param)
@property def fixturenames(self): if self.session is None: return tuple() fixturenames = [] if self._fixturenames is None: for name, fdef in self.session._fixturemanager._arg2fixturedefs.items(): fdef = fdef[-1] fixturenames.append(name) if fdef.params: for paramid in self._fixture_ids(name): fixturenames.append(f"{name}[{paramid}]") self._fixturenames = tuple(fixturenames) return self._fixturenames @property def request(self): """Request fixture for the current context.""" if self.context_item is None: self.context() return self._request
[docs] def session_stop(self): """Stop the test session (runs teardown).""" # FIXME why is it in a bad state in the first place? setupstate = self.session._setupstate to_delete = [] for colitem in setupstate._finalizers: if colitem not in setupstate.stack: to_delete.append(colitem) for colitem in reversed(to_delete): del setupstate._finalizers[colitem] self.session.startdir.chdir() self.config.hook.pytest_sessionfinish(session=self.session, exitstatus=0) self.session = None
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop pytest.""" self.config._ensure_unconfigure() self.config = None